School Lunches


School Lunches should be balanced and give a lot of energy and give you concentration. A balanced lunch should have protein, carbohydrate and a little bit of sugar. School lunches give fuel to students to have energy.

*Kids favorite meal can be turned to a healthy


Carbohydrate can be found in protein, dairy products and school lunches. Food keeps us running everyday. Effects of sugar lose concentration, get you hypo, tooth decay and you’ll want more sugar. Facts of sugar can be found in Carlton School lunches.Carbohydrate can be found in bread, vegetables, fruits and pasta. Carbohydrate can fuller for long.Sugar Bad

Sugar is bad for you because make you lose concentration, get you hypo, tooth decay and you’ll want more sugar. Facts of sugar can be found in Carlton School lunches.


You should have more protein than sugar in your lunch because protein can keep you concentrated through the whole day, protein can also help you grow taller. Protein can be found in milk, dairy products, nuts and meat.


So don’t eat TOO much sugar before school and during school, eat a lot of protein and always have a balanced lunch.


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