Puanga Beach


Today is Tuesday and  Mrs O'Conner had a huge great plan for the whole school and the plan was that early in the morning at 6:00 o'clock we had to get up and meet everyone in the hall to have a quick breakfast and at 7:30 we they placed three groups around and each group had one activities in the groups. One was making kites, another was making wakas and the other one was do weaving, and the other thing that I forgot to tell was that  if anyone didn't know what to choose they would watch a cartoon on the projector. The other huge great plan was that around 9:15 we had to go into our house groups on the court by room 7,6,and room 5.Then one teacher from each house leads their house color to the. back gate and then we go on a bus and there was 6 buses.At the beach we had two competitions and they were that who made the beasts sand coulter and the beasts drift wood coulter.


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