
Showing posts from June, 2017

Puanga Beach

27.6.17 Today is Tuesday and  Mrs O'Conner had a huge great plan for the whole school and the plan was that early in the morning at 6:00 o'clock we had to get up and meet everyone in the hall to have a quick breakfast and at 7:30 we they placed three groups around and each group had one activities in the groups. One was making kites, another was making wakas and the other one was do weaving, and the other thing that I forgot to tell was that  if anyone didn't know what to choose they would watch a cartoon on the projector. The other huge great plan was that around 9:15 we had to go into our house groups on the court by room 7,6,and room 5.Then one teacher from each house leads their house color to the. back gate and then we go on a bus and there was 6 buses.At the beach we had two competitions and they were that who made the beasts sand coulter and the beasts drift wood coulter.

School Lunches

14.6.17 Introduction School Lunches should be balanced and give a lot of energy and give you concentration. A balanced lunch should have protein, carbohydrate and a little bit of sugar. School lunches give fuel to students to have energy. *Kids favorite meal can be turned to a healthy Carbohydrates Carbohydrate can be found in protein, dairy products and school lunches. Food keeps us running everyday. Effects of sugar lose concentration, get you hypo, tooth decay and you’ll want more sugar. Facts of sugar can be found in Carlton School lunches.Carbohydrate can be found in bread, vegetables, fruits and pasta. Carbohydrate can fuller for long. Sugar Bad Sugar is bad for you because make you lose concentration, get you hypo, tooth decay and you’ll want more sugar. Facts of sugar can be found in Carlton School lunches. Protein You should have more protein than sugar in your lunch because protein can keep you concentrated through the whole day, protein can al

Sea Turtles

9.6.17 Sea Turtles has been around since the Jurassic days, roughly 15000000 years ago.When a boat leaks oil into the ocean near Sea Turtles  they can die around it . Female Sea Turtles can only lay eggs when they are 20 or over. Female Sea Turtles swim out of sea and lay her eggs in a big hole that she made in the sand. Some can lay over 1000 eggs. The size of a Sea Turtle egg is the exactly  same size of an ping-pong ball. They start to hatch in 1 and a half months .When the baby Sea Turtle can see a segel they dig their way into the sand to hide from the segel then they try to crawl their way to the water. Sea Turtle can be merasic and Sea Turtles can eat kelp. When baby Sea Turtles a little they can fit in your hand. When baby Sea Turtle a still little they like to live under sea-weed. 1000 eggs have been laid, 800 been hatch,  400 had made it to the water, 20 adults to lay eggs and 2 that have had people interference. The predators of the Sea Turtles are killer whales, white

Rutherford Cooking

2.6.17 Who?  I am doing cooking with my teacher Mrs Robertson, my class and with Mrs Macintyre. What? Room 15 does cooking for 3 weeks and sewing for 3 weeks. When?  Room 15 does sewing and cooking on Thursdays. Where? We do cooking and sewing at Rutherford Junior High. Why? We are doing cooking to learn how to cook at home and we are learning to do sewing to do sewing at home. Summery : On Thursdays room 15 goes to Rutherford Junior High to do cooking and sewing. On sunny days we walk there but on rainy days we go by car.We do sewing with   Mrs Macintyre and cooking with Mrs  Robertson. First Mrs Robertson had a list of names and when she highlights people green that means that they are doing sewing, but if she highlights the other people orange that means that they are doing cooking and I got choose to do cooking for 3 weeks and cooking for the next 3 weeks. For cooking we cook with potatoes and last time we cooked mashed potatoes and chips. For sewing we are sewing to